Sunday, February 27, 2011

Formspring Question #98--By Grabthar's Hammer Edition

Are you familiar with the 1999 sci-fi comedy "Galaxy Quest staring Tim Allen? If so, what did you think of it?
I saw Galaxy Quest in the theater back in 1999 and two or three more times on television since. The film is brilliant satire on Star Trek specifically and science fiction/comic book type fans in general. it is well written, well acted, and very funny.

I am not offended by it. As much as I love science fiction and comic books, I really do not live the lifestyle. They are escapist entertainment for me. Nothing hit too close to home. In fact, there a gentle tribute there. The heroes save the day because their fans understand the logic of their fictional universe even though it is not all that logical.

I would say Trekkies come across looking far better from Galaxy Quest than they do in the Trekkies documentary from the same year. There is the Whitewater juror who were her Starfleet uniform to court everyday, the dentist who had his office done up like a Federation Starship, and the family who lived like Klingons. I would rather be known as someone with an uncanny knowledge of Trek minutiae than any of those people.

Is Galaxy Quest as funny to someone who is not into Star Trek? I do wonder.

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